Friday, September 17, 2010

Real Food

Once and a while you come across something so special that you feel there is hope for all humanity!! I work a couple of days a week out side my own practice for a Acupuncturist in Chestnut Ridge,NY she has me there doing Acupressure for the people that have a fear of needles and I work on young children. Its on the boarder where NJ ends and NY begins 15 mins from Paramus. There is were I found The Hungry Hollow Co-Op! Shopping at a co op were foods are locally grown makes a world of difference the produce is so fresh and delicious..... They have Organic Prepared Foods for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner made fresh every day in there Kitchen. They even have Organic Nut Butter and Jelly sandwiches on Whole Grain Bread!!

We all have childhood memories of parents, teachers and others encouraging us to work together. A co-op is what "working together" looks like all grown up. From the outside, many co-ops look like any other business, since a co-op provides products and services like conventional businesses do. But it's what goes on behind the scenes that makes it different.
A cooperative exists to serve its members, but what makes co-ops unique is that the members are also the owners. So, in addition to getting the products and services you need, you also have a say in the business decisions your cooperative makes.

Living here in NJ there are not many places you can go to and get real food I can hardly ever eat OUT as I have so many food allergies and all we have are fast food chain restaurants not many real food restaurants and shops. Its very upsetting to me NYC is full of amazing ORGANIC great places were you can go and get fresh amazing meals juices and products. Yet here in NJ were I live I'm 10 mins off the George Washington Bridge and yet we are like 1000 years behind when it comes to REAL FOOD!! All we have here is Trader Joes and Whole Foods. Do not get me wrong I am grateful for them both but Whole Foods can be costly and you have to be alert and aware as not all of there products are organic and they really do not have much Locally Grown Produce.

Hungry Hollow Co-op is a much needed store we need more of these types of community oriented real food places. I hope and pray that one day there will be a store like this in every town in NJ. Everyone wanted things Bigger and that is not better all we have now are MALLS GIANT Supermarkets large varieties but the prices and products are not better they are more costly........ and the health and healing is no longer in our food as most of our fruits and vegetables are coming from thousands of miles away!! We really need to support our local farmers and small business owners and perhaps then we will find these types of stores popping up all over NJ! We need to get back Health and Happiness and put REAL FOOD on our tables again. Have dinner with Family nurish them with Organic Food Pure Love and conversation.. We lost all of this some where along the way and we need to find our way back to our family cooking and serving a healthy meal and sitting around the dinner table is a great place to start.

Wishing you all Love Light and Laughter,

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